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Which Electric Toothbrush Should I Use? Sonicare or Oral-B?

Date Published:August 9, 2018
Author: Creekside Dental

An electric toothbrush is one of a hygienist’s favorite tools to recommend. Electric toothbrush bristles vibrate or rotate to help you remove plaque from your teeth and gums. They also massage the gums which allows for good blood flow and promotes healthy gums. The price range varies from brand to brand and each brand carries different models. Understanding the difference between a manual toothbrush, battery-operated, and electric is very important when shopping and choosing what is best for you. Also, you have to decide how much you’re willing to invest in the health of your gums and teeth. If you cannot afford the one you would like right away, work up a plan to save up for one. Getting the right toothbrush is going to be greatly beneficial for your smile.electric and manual toothbrush Creekside Dental

A manual toothbrush is great, but it is technique sensitive. Ask your dental hygienist for help if needed. Trust me, this is not a silly question to ask and we are more than happy to assist you.  A battery-operated toothbrush is an improvement from the manual toothbrush, but not by much. Eventually those kinds of toothbrushes malfunction because of water damage or you replace the battery so frequently, in the end you might as well invest in an electric toothbrush.

There are two popular brands of electric toothbrushes: Sonicare and Oral-B. According to a NCBI research-based article where Sonicare and Oral-B electric toothbrushes were compared, it stated, “Overall, this study demonstrates that long-term use of these two electric toothbrushes improves periodontal health in adult periodontitis patients, and that the Sonicare brush is superior to the Braun (Oral- B) brush in reducing gingival inflammation and probing depth. Moreover, 6 months’ use of Sonicare led to actual improvement in probing attachment levels of periodontal pockets.” Here at Creekside Dental, our hygienists unanimously recommend the Sonicare over the Oral-B because we have also seen far better improvement in periodontal health when using the Sonicare.

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