family brushes teeth together dental care tips from Creekside Dental

Essential Dental Care Tips for Busy Families

Date Published:September 10, 2024
Author: Creekside Dental

Any parent or guardian knows that life is busy! With everything going on, it can be challenging to keep all aspects of family health consistent. However, even if you have a busy schedule, maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is a must for the entire family. Creekside Dental is committed to providing convenient, family-centered dental care. Today, we will provide practical family dental care tips designed specifically for busy schedules. We will cover essential steps to maintain good oral hygiene, even with a hectic schedule, including tips for managing your children’s dental health and how families can work together to maintain a consistent routine.

Establishing a Simple Dental Routine for Busy Days:

writing a simple dental routine for family Creekside Dental

The easiest way to keep consistent with dental care is to establish a simple routine that can be performed every day without fail, starting with morning and evening schedules. 

Morning and Evening Habits: 

When your child is young, one of our top family dental care tips is to make your dental routine a family affair. Brushing and flossing one’s teeth as a family activity will help to instill good habits through demonstration while adding a splash of fun! By doing this twice daily at specific times in your morning and nightly routine, you build it in as a non-negotiable aspect of the day that your child will carry forward throughout the years.

When your children get older, they will no longer need you to be with them as they brush their teeth. Therefore, we recommend having them build a habit of brushing and flossing at a specific time of their morning and evening routine, such as right after they roll out of bed and right before they roll back into it. While it may require some early observation to ensure the habit sticks, your child will eventually perform without forgetting. 

Setting Reminders for Dental Care: 

When you are a busy family, you may not always have the luxury of a consistent morning or evening routine. Especially as your children get older, sports games, performances, outings, and other activities may lead to a disruption in your daily schedule. We suggest setting dental care as a reminder on your phone and even on your teen’s phone! Just a quick task pop-up can be enough to remind yourself and them to head into the bathroom for a good brushing. 

Quick but Effective Oral Care: 

There will be times, especially in the mornings, when time is tight! When time is of the essence, you can show your children how to brush thoroughly for two minutes and use floss sticks for convenience. One of our pro family dental care tips we also suggest is teaching your children how to multitask with their morning routine, such as brushing their teeth with one hand while picking out their clothes for the day with the other. Mildly distracted brushing is still better than no brushing at all! 

Making Dental Care Fun for Kids:

family brushes teeth together dental care tips from Creekside Dental

Oral hygiene likely won’t make a kid’s top choice of things to do, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it fun! You can instill good habits by engaging your children in oral hygiene in a fun and rewarding manner. Here are a few ideas you could use:

1. Use Fun Products: 

    Dental products have come a long way, and now you can use an assortment of items to engage your children. From giraffe-shaped dental floss picks to toothpaste with cherished cartoon characters to toothbrushes that sing, all of these can help engage your children. Just make sure that the items you select are dentist-recommended!

    2. Keep Time Moving: 

      While two minutes of brushing one’s teeth may not seem like much to an adult, it can be FOREVER for a little kid. You can keep time moving with timers rather than letting them sink into boredom and get distracted. For example, some children’s toothbrushes sing a two-minute song, so children know to keep brushing until the song ends. Alternatively, there are an array of fun timers and apps that you can turn on while your children are brushing. It gives them something to watch while they brush, improving their time skills along with their oral hygiene! 

      3. Reward Actions:

        Children are typically motivated by rewards, allowing parents to use this in numerous ways to teach good habits. If you use reward charts in your home, oral hygiene is an excellent one to add. It’s simple; every time they brush and floss their teeth, they get a star on their reward chart. Not only does this provide a visual task for them to see, but it also gives them a sense of accomplishment after they perform their task! 

        4. Teach Good Habits:

          Teaching children the value of oral hygiene at an early age leads to lifelong healthy habits. While an in-depth discussion about cavities may go over your child’s head, there are numerous learning materials you can utilize to teach them in a fun and engaging manner. Our favorites are storybooks about dental care like Daniel Goes to the Dentist! Storybooks teach children valuable skills while providing reassurance – if Daniel the Tiger can do it, so can they! Other learning materials can also be coloring books with teeth anatomy, children’s videos about oral care, and more! 

          5. Lead by Example

            Lastly, one of our top family dental care tips we recommend the most is to practice what you preach. Children, especially young ones, look to their parents and guardians to develop long-term habits. If your children actively and consistently see you taking care of your oral health, they will naturally build it into their skill set. Let them be present as you floss and brush your teeth, have chats about teeth and dental hygiene, and go to the dentist as a family. Your children will learn through watching you the importance of dental hygiene, how to properly care for your teeth, and how to be your own greatest advocate for your dental health. 

            Family Dental Care Tips on the Go:

            family dental care tips schedule dental appointments at Creekside Dental

            As a busy family, there is a good chance you are on the go quite frequently. Changes that set your family outside its regular routine can upset your established processes, including dental care. Whether you are taking a weekend trip, have an overnight sports event, or simply have a hectic day, there are steps you can take in advance to ensure your dental hygiene doesn’t get left in the dust. 

            Pack a Dental Kit: 

            First, we recommend building a dental travel kit with toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash to use during busy days, vacations, or outings. Whether it is a communal family bag or individual bags for each family member, having this as a part of your go-bag can ensure you never let your dental care routine slip. We recommend stocking your travel kit with family-friendly dental products, such as fluoride toothpaste, soft-bristle toothbrushes, and floss picks for convenience.

            Skip the Sweets & Soda: 

            When you’re on the go, turning to unhealthy food and drinks like sweets and soda can be easy. While okay in moderation, it’s always best to provide access to healthy alternatives as well as lead by example. If your young children see you choosing water and an apple over a soda and chocolate bar, they will be more receptive to following your example. 

            Bring Healthy Snacks: 

            In conjunction with the point above, we recommend bringing along easy-to-pack, teeth-friendly snacks, such as apples, veggie sticks, cheese, and sugar-free gum. Don’t forget water – perfect for keeping hydrated and swishing out the mouth after eating. Not only will this help protect teeth throughout the day, but it will also keep your family full and energized on busy days! 

            Scheduling Family Dental Appointments:

            Even with busy family schedules, regular dental visits are essential to maintaining good oral health. They prevent issues like cavities and gum disease and allow for early diagnosis of potential problems. 

            One of the top family dental care tips we suggest for busy schedules is booking family visits to the dentist’s office. Not only does this minimize multiple trips, but it demonstrates that even mom and dad need to take care of their teeth, too. At Creekside Dental, we help busy families under our care by offering the convenience of scheduling back-to-back family appointments. With this, your entire family can get their teeth cared for in one fell swoop while minimizing time spent at the dentist.

            A second pro tip we suggest is for the person who acts as the family appointment planner: use phone reminders or family calendars to keep track of dental hygiene and upcoming dental appointments. This helps prevent appointments from being forgotten and allows the family to schedule other important life events appropriately. 

            Handling Dental Emergencies:

            handling dental emergency broken crown Creekside Dental

            Dental emergencies are all too common, so another one of our vital family dental care tips is to be prepared to handle unexpected situations when you’re short on time. 

            First, it is important to understand what constitutes a visit to the dentist for a dental emergency versus going straight to the ER. Dental emergencies typically consist of chipped or broken teeth, severe toothaches, lost crowns or fillings, a knocked-out tooth, or bleeding gums. 

            Second, it is vital to take appropriate action. 

            For a broken filling or crown, keep any pieces safe and avoid chewing on that side of your mouth to protect the area. 

            For bleeding gums, apply pressure to the bleeding area with gauze that has been soaking in ice water. 

            For a severe toothache, rinse your mouth with warm water, use dental floss to remove any food caught between your teeth, and apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek to reduce swelling.

            For a knocked-out tooth, carefully pick it up by the crown (not the root) and rinse it gently with tap water or with milk without scrubbing. Once clean, use your fingers to VERY CAREFULLY push the tooth back into the socket. Close your mouth lightly to lodge it in place – do not force it down. Then, get to your dentist as fast as possible. If you cannot put it back in the socket, soak it in milk on your way to the dentist (not water) to ensure it stays moist and doesn’t die before you can get it safely implanted. 

            If you are faced with a dental emergency outside your dentist’s regular working hours, you must determine if you can safely wait until the next day for an appointment. If you can manage the pain until the next morning, it’s advisable to wait and see a dentist. However, if faced with unbearable pain or severe injury, you must evaluate the situation critically. If you are experiencing excessive bleeding, severe pain, or trauma to your face or jaw, an ER visit may be necessary. Just remember, dental emergencies are typically not high-priority in ERs and require specialized dental expertise.

            At Creekside Dental, we understand that emergencies don’t always happen during regular office hours. That’s why we offer emergency dental services to ensure our patients receive timely care. Our team is equipped to handle urgent dental issues, providing quick relief and comprehensive treatment to mitigate any further complications.

            Why Creekside Dental is Perfect for Busy Families:

            Creekside Dental Kennewick dentist office

            At Creekside Dental, we know how to help busy families like yours because we have busy families of our own. Our family-friendly approach, including flexible scheduling, allows you to easily access comprehensive care for every family member. Whether your family is looking for routine cleanings, restorative services, or cosmetic assistance, we are here to help! We are conveniently located on Edison St. in Kennewick, providing easy access for everyone in the Tri-Cities!

            Plus, we offer a variety of loyalty plans to make it easy for everyone in your family to get the dental care they deserve. You can think of our loyalty plan as a subscription service you join— just like Netflix or Amazon Prime. You pay a monthly fee directly to Creekside Dental, and in return, you receive preventative care and discounts on other treatments.

            Looking for family-friendly dental care or personalized family dental care tips? Contact Creekside Dental today to schedule convenient appointments for the whole family and keep your smiles healthy!

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