What is Torus or Tori?

What is Torus or Tori?

Some people develop a bony growth or enlargement (hyperostosis) on the roof of their mouths or underneath their tongues. These growths are called Torus or Tori (plural). These bony protuberances can either be small or in some cases can be very large and are benign....
Cavities are Contagious

Cavities are Contagious

Now, this does not mean that if a person has a cavity the people they come in contact with will automatically “catch a cavity”, but the bacteria found in cavities can actually be passed along. As a parent, doesn’t that sound a little scary? For instance, has your baby...
Is Baby Orajel Safe For My Teething Baby?

Is Baby Orajel Safe For My Teething Baby?

When it comes to my profession and family I usually try not make myself look like a “know it all”. I like to wait for my friends and family to come to me for advice rather than telling them what they should and shouldn’t be doing regarding their teeth. But this isn’t...
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